Carly Schorman

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The Mortician’s Daughter 003: Merry Wives and Black Widows

In this installment of The Mortician’s Daughter we discuss what differentiates a Black Widow from your run-of-the-mill murderess and discuss some famous Black Widows from history. We also do some real life exploring of the Mystery Castle on South Mountain in Phoenix and discover the macabre story behind the “chocolate organ” that sits in the castle’s wedding chapel…

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For the Record: ‘Adversary’ by The Blood Feud Family Singers

by Carly Schorman

I’m rather partial to the Noir Americana of The Blood Feud Family Singers. Maybe it’s because I lean toward pensive and melancholy by my very nature. Or maybe it’s because life’s handed me a shit run of luck once or twice so I’ve definitely had a good look at the underside over other people’s shoes. Or maybe it’s just because The Blood Feud Family Singers features some of the finest songwriting I’ve heard this side of the Rio Grande. Adversary, the new album from the BFFS, is so good you don’t really need to justify the fandom. You just have to hit play…

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Art Biz: Personhood and Persona in the Age of Social Media

by Carly Schorman

Let’s begin with just a little clarification on the terminology.

Personhood is the condition of being an individual person. Persona is the part of yourself that you present to others. Now, I’m sure many of you are already drawing conclusions about where this post is going, and maybe you are right. But, if you’re an active internet user, this is conversation you should be having with yourself every single day…

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